Tag Archives: new year 2013

With Style & Grace – New Year Resolution Enthusiasm

3 Jan


When was the last time you were carried away with the sense of excitement — when you felt so pumped up and involved that time just whizzed by? Your mind working in overdrive, and your spirits totally caught up in the moment. If you can’t remember, what you need is a dose of


Enthusiasm is a sense of inspiration. The word comes from the ancient Greek, meaning – connecting to your inner power and bringing energy and excitement to all you do – a feeling of being truly alive and working on all your cylinders. It’s that “little something extra” that puts you ahead of the pack. An enthusiastic person is charismatic — you can’t help but respond to their enthusiasm and catch some of their “fire” as well. And an enthusiastic person is a successful person. As Walter Chrysler, the founder of Chrysler Motors, has said, “The real secret of success is enthusiasm. Enthusiasts are fighters. They have fortitude. They have staying qualities. Enthusiasm is the bottom of all progress. With it, there is accomplishment. Without it, there are only alibis.”

If you’re not getting as much out of life as you should, it’s time to recharge your batteries with enthusiasm. Playing “as if” will help you to jump-start this process of developing your own inner fire. Even if you may not feel naturally enthusiastic, anytime you act “as if” you are, you start to take on that quality. Surround yourself with positive, enthusiastic people. After all, enthusiasm is contagious, and it’s one “virus” you want to catch!.
Take an interest in something. Learn all you can about it. Dust off your curiosity and follow where it leads.

Stay tuned. Next Blog Curiosity!.

With Style and Grace

Dress to express your success and how to start to achive. As the new year approaches.

5 Dec

My  mantra
Dress to express your success and how to start to achive. As the new year approaches.

I love this quote. I am going to call it my Mantra for the New Year.

Few weeks ago I talked about how success-minded thinking requires a willingness to view life with a positive perspective. It also calls for persistence and determination.
To get started, I want to give you a task to begin your days, I would like to give you a rare cerebral gift: to give yourself the ability to laugh again — and not just because it’s what’s expected this holiday season. I want you to laugh because your heart will be genuinely happy, because you’re willing to forget old anger, and because you want to see the lighter side of all situations –

As Calvin Coolidge wrote: “Press on. Nothing can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; the world is full of unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”

To help you stay persistent and embrace success-minded thinking, as the new year starts, commit yourself to building and maintaining friendships and contacts that enrich and enhance your life and your dreams. I like to call these people “true fans and supporters.” They are the ones who believe in you and want you to achieve your desires. They cheer you on, celebrate your accomplishments, and lift you up when you are feeling down.

The saying “misery loves company” is all too true, so limit time and set clear boundaries with those who are constantly negative, unsupportive, or drain your precious energy. They are on a different path than you. Perhaps your positive ways and abundant life will influence them to make a change in their own life, perhaps not. Remember, you can’t make anyone change who is not ready. Keep the focus on yourself. Surround yourself with positive like-minded people. Press on, Great success will come if you are persistent. I am here to help you every step of the way. Stay tuned for our next Blog “With Style and Grace”

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