Tag Archives: eleanor roosevelt

Continuing our New Year’s resolutions – With Style & Grace Harnessing your Curiosity This 2013

8 Jan

I Grace Gallo here and now declare that I am proud to say I am and always been passionately curious, My father tried to vehemently discourage and break this part of my personality. Thank goodness. He did not succeed. His thought, having too much curiosity was not suitable or fitting for a women. And my ex-husband tried too. He used to call me a “sticky nose”, because I took interest in people, life and everything around me, I always asked questions, questions and more questions. He labeled me a “Sticky Nose” infuriating me. I used to tell him I am not a sticky nose, just a very curious person. I then found and read a great quote on curiosity by Samuel Johnson.  I memorized this wonderful quote and waited patiently for him to call me that awful name, “Sticky Nose” I then recited this wonderful curiosity quote. “Curiosity is one of the most certain and Permanente characteristic of a vigorous intellect”. Well let’s just say I did not get the reaction I thought, he laughed and laughed as he did not think or ever considered that being a curious person meant that you were an intellect. I knew then and I know now that he was so wrong.

If you were asked what was your greatest strength, what would you reply?  In the case of John F. Kennedy, he said “My curiosity.”  Now, that’s an answer you wouldn’t expect.  And then there’s Albert Einstein protesting, “I have no special talents.  I am only passionately curious.”  And even Eleanor Roosevelt said, “I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.”

What’s so great about curiosity?  Actually, it’s something we humans share with the entire animal kingdom.  It’s a necessary urge to find out about our environment, find food, to survive.  But for humans, it’s so much more.  Curiosity leads you to explore new ways of doing things, solve problems, and investigate possibilities.  It keeps the sense of wonder that you had as a child alive.  When your curiosity is keen, you can grow and expand your life to fit your dreams.

And don’t worry that “curiosity killed the cat.”  Remember the rest of that proverb – “but satisfaction brought him back”!   : )

Harnessing Curiosity This 2013. Explore and be Passionately Curious.

With Style & Grace