Tag Archives: dressing for the boardroom

Fashion Tips and How to Dress for the Boardroom

19 Nov

Yes, women have advanced a great deal in the business world, but a woman’s appearance is way more under the radar than a man’s. Let’s not deny it, females looks are held to a much higher level of scrutiny than a man’s. A man can pull any one of his two or three suits out of a closet and throw it on top of the same shirt he wore the previous day. Women in the workplace do need to spend more hours putting themselves together, as you will be judged by your appearance.

Unfortunately you’re branded the minute you walk in the door. So you never want to give anyone a reason to say “no” based on your appearance. A simple point to remember is that you attract what you focus on. So why not focus on your appearance and boost your personal magnetism, not repel it. We want to help you to discover a look that enhances your self-image and empowers you. In short, we help to make you look and feel your best. Your unique characteristics, skills and personality are packaged to convey the image you want to convey. Your personal identity – your personal brand – is expressed in your personal appearance. We help you create it; you make it work for you.

Whatever your profession, whatever your position, it won’t hurt to follow a few essential guidelines for your office wardrobe. It isn’t always easy to know what’s appropriate for every office, but we’re tackling the tricky dos and don’ts of work wear with these simple tips.

1/ Your personal image conveys more about you than your business card.
It positions you in the eyes of others.

2/ In your wardrobe be prepared for a variety of situations

3/ Dress for the job that you would like to have, not for the job you have – presentation is one of the first steps.

4/ Your Image is one of the key essentials to your success.

5/ Your life is a result of what you have focused your attention on. If you’re not focused on your appearance. You need to start now.

6/ Always aim for a polished, professional look.

7/ Finally, when you look good you feel confident and a confident woman is a successful women.